Caramel Slice


  馃崶  Caramel Slice Recipe  馃崶  

Hello Friends, welcome to your weekly recipe blog. Today we are baking the australian dessert “Caramel Slice”



It is believed that this dessert has its origins in Scotland as “Millionaires Shortcake”. Originally the

caramel shortcake was starting to get popular in Scotland of the XII century. Since, many modifications

where added to the recipe betewwn the XVI and XIX century, until its now most known version was

once published in a magazine in Australia, and it became a hit. The chocolate topping would be later

added and since then it has become an australian national dessert.

Interesting Data

The use of oil

  • You probably must be wondering why I added half a tablespoon of oil in the chocolate before melting it. The answer is easy, to soften it. For other types of dessert it may not be necessary but as for the Caramel Slice, we want to be able to cut it in squares without smashing the biscuit and caramel under it with the strength we need for breaking the chocolate, that is why it has to be soft to the knife
An alternative to coconut

  • Something I saw a lot while researching this dessert is a lot of people who want an alternative to the recipe because they don’t have coconut and that is something hard to replace, since the coconut is what gives the right texture to the biscuit but I found dessicated almonds or nuts are a great replacement for coconut, which keep the texture and have a pretty nice taste.
Nutritional table
  • Calories: 24%
  • Carbohydrates: 18%
  • Protein: 10%
  • Fat: 42%
  • Cholesterol: 19%
  • Fiber: 4%
  • Sugar: 49%



  • 1/2 cup of flour
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup desiccated coconut
  • 63g melted unsalted butter


  • 63g / 4.5oz unsalted butter , roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup (80g) brown sugar , loosely packed
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (or essence)
  • 198g sweetened condensed milk


  • 100g melted chocolate
  • 1/2 tbsp vegetable oil

Thank you for reading today's blog, it was made with much love and I hope you enjoyed it. 

If you like the dessert don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and leave a comment down below,

because I will be reading and answering your questions :)

See you next time~
